This podcast is affiliated with the blog Arash's World dealing with existential issues and solutions in health and wellness, psychology, and philosophy. By providing reviews on books alongside exclusive, insightful & thought-provoking interviews with health & wellness experts, renowned psychologists & psychotherapists as well as global thought leaders and life coaches, we put together and forge individual holistic paths toward health, happiness, and wellbeing in your personal & professional life!

Tuesday Jun 27, 2023
Tuesday Jun 27, 2023
In this episode, I have the absolute pleasure to speak with Emotional Healing and Relationship Coach Rebeccah Silence who is also the author of the inspiring & inspirational book "Coming Back to Life: A Roadmap to Healing from Pain to Create the Life You Want"!
Rebeccah is no stranger to extreme forms of trauma, but she has not only overcome and recovered from it all but she has attained emotional healing in the process. Now she is sharing her uplifting and hopeful message that healing is indeed possible for each and every one of us. It is simple but not easy and takes effort as well as dedication toward the healing process.
Though every person's road and journey will be different, the result turns out to be very similar, a life in which we are not afraid but live in profound joy moment by moment and where we grow and thrive with each passing day. Though faith can help us on the road to recovery, it's best to become an active participant and creator in and of one's own life's story as we come to realize that we have the power to create the life we really want.

Thursday Jun 22, 2023
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
In this episode, I have the great pleasure to speak with Elaine Hoem, Psychotherapist, Meditation Teacher, Life Coach, and author of the magnificent book “Everyday Soul Dances: A Guide to Soulful Living in the Midst of Uncertain Times”.
Elaine explains the difference between mindful and soulful living and how the former is about taming the mind and focusing on the present, while the soul is more comprehensive and includes our whole multidimensional being with background and karma, past lives and spiritual aspects, qualities, and realms.
Furthermore, Elaine explains how we are here to learn to love better and to release negative karma/energy that binds us or holds us back from fulfilling our dharma and consecration, our spiritual duty and dedication that help us merge with and into the light.
As both the Buddha and Jesus have stated, the light, enlightenment, and the kingdom of God are within us, and with psychological and spiritual practices and qualities of constancy, contemplation, and consecration, we can come into touch with the divinity and goddess within us and attain spiritual alignment and wholeness.

Sunday Jun 18, 2023
Sunday Jun 18, 2023
In this episode, I have the great honor and pleasure to speak with Congressman Adam Smith, author of “Lost and Broken: My Journey Back from Chronic Pain and Crippling Anxiety” about his personal struggles and difficulties with mental health issues and various methods and approaches of dealing with them.
Member of U.S. Congress Adam Smith went through longstanding struggles with chronic pain, anxiety, and depression, and he talks openly and candidly about how he felt and what he went through as well as how he eventually got better. There are different pathways for each and everyone to get better but at the same time, it is important to overcome obstacles including stigma and fears, one’s own and those of others.
In fact, although medication can provide temporary relief of symptoms, it is often not a long-term solution as it does not address the core issues. This can be done via different forms of psychotherapy, which help you examine your life and the things that might be causing your anxiety or depression. Although we all suffer from stress and anxiety, it would help to shed light on why it is we feel so anxious by not only managing our feelings but also uncovering underlying issues including trauma, negative experiences, and guilt, which we tend to bury and ignore in our lives.
Finally, we also discuss how anyone can benefit from being more honest with themselves, reducing feelings of guilt and shame alongside anger and constant worrying, and uncovering and processing the pain, fear, and grief we experience in our lives and that we should remind ourselves that we are all worthy of love and that we are not stuck and can indeed get better.

Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
In this episode, I have the great pleasure to speak with Physician-Psychiatrist Dr. Grant H. Brenner co-author of “Making Your Crazy Work For You: From Trauma And Isolation To Self-Acceptance And Love” with Mark B. Borg, and Daniel Berry about not only individual and collective trauma and the path to posttraumatic growth, meaning, and wisdom but also the importance of being open to new experiences, learning, and finding, discovering and/or rediscovering one's own unique voice along the path.
We cover a whole range of themes and topics, including the drive and restlessness of Generation X, the strive for perfection and one’s attachment style to the workplace, and the continuous quest for work-life balance amidst shifting identities and doing what one loves and enjoys. We also discuss the importance of give-and-take dynamics and how open-mindedness should not be marked by rigidity but rather needs to include, embrace, and foster flexibility.
Finally, we look at being quirky and the positive and creative sides of being “crazy” in the sense of pursuing passions and “weird” in the sense of being innovative and doing one's own thing. Creativity has been a staple in both of your lives and has often come from experiencing previous suffering and hardship, which pushes one to overcome negativity, seek meaning, wisdom, compassion, and positivity, and help and support those less fortunate than oneself.

Monday May 22, 2023
Monday May 22, 2023
In this episode, I have the great pleasure to talk with Dr. Julie Beaulac and Casey Berglund, two of the authors of the inspiring and inspirational book "The Mind-Body Way: The Embodied Leader's Path to Resilience, Connection, and Purpose."
We embark upon the question of what makes a good leader and how a company can become more effective and successful if they use and take advantage of embodiment practices by providing a safe psychological space to express and share different viewpoints and opinions.
However, the tips and advice given here can help anyone align themselves more within their personal as well as professional lives. Taking this mind-body approach means tuning in to your body and inner experiences, which can be scary and daunting at first but it will enrich lives and lead to a sense of agency, empowerment, risk-taking, and even personal fulfillment.
It can start with simple micro-shits in thought and behavior by asking yourself whether you want to have chocolate or strawberry ice cream (for the more health-conscious out there, replace with broccoli versus asparagus or your favorite health food) and to find ways and opportunities to enhance and strengthen the intuition or "Spidey sense" that we often ignore or disregard in our lives and to align ourselves with our authentic self and being.

Sunday Apr 30, 2023
Sunday Apr 30, 2023
In this episode, I have the great pleasure to talk to Rabbi Daniel Cohen, a mentor, guide, motivator, and the author of the book “What Will They Say About You When You Are Gone: Creating a Life of Legacy”. The Rabbi talks about the uniqueness and beauty of each person and moment, how no day should be wasted or squandered, and how we can bring and shine our light wherever we are and wherever we go.
In fact, the power of positivity and kindness can lift us all up, and he gives anecdotes and examples of "Elijah Moments", which would entail engaging in small acts and words of kindness that others would then pick up on and pay forward, hence starting a chain of positive reactions and events. Words have power over us, and it would help and benefit the world around us to spread positive messages and refrain from making negative comments and judgments.
Moreover, Rabbi Daniel Cohen explains the importance of blocking out noise, worries, and distractions and putting away our phones and gadgets to tap into and listen deeply to the inner voice and music within us. Not only do we have the opportunity to unlock our special and unique gifts, and find our path and vocation, but more importantly, we can live life at the highest frequency with a sense of calling every day.

Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
In this episode, I have the great pleasure to speak with spiritual advisors, entrepreneurs, and visionaries Gary Logan and Rob Grover on how psychedelic plant medicine with proper guidance, support, and the right setting can serve as a tool for not only empowerment but also spiritual understanding, insight, and awakening.
Gary and Rob are founders of the “Journeymen Collective” that they describe as a personal development program for developing spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional levels of being with the use and aid of psilocybin aka “magic mushrooms”. Each of them describes their own personal journeys of spiritual growth and transcendence and how they can help and assist others with metaphysical and spiritual healing.
We also touch upon the qualities of using psychedelics responsibly and for spiritual enhancement, how current research shows promises in the fields of psychotherapy for dealing with anxiety and trauma, and how they can be used and utilized to not only unblock energies and stagnation in the mind and the body but also to lead to a path of exploration of the self.
These guided sessions are specifically curated for the people they work with, helping to synthesize and process the new insights, experiences, and information to funnel and channel them into one’s life, relationships, and business. I also ask each of them to explain their respective mantras and how it pertains to their spiritual beliefs and identities.

Saturday Apr 22, 2023
Saturday Apr 22, 2023
In this episode, I have the great pleasure to speak with health coach and healthy lifestyle expert Kamilah Stevenson about how there are many sides and facets when it comes to individual health, personal wellness & well-being and that there are different ways of healing our bodies and our nervous system.
By looking at all the angles, we come to see and understand that our bodies communicate with us, whereas pain tells us that something is wrong. Instead of treating the symptoms with medication, it is essential and vital to explore and dig into life experiences and trauma to get to the root of the issues, a type of “psychological acupuncture” to release the stress and the build-up of energy.
Kamilah explains how we can get caught up in a loop and that change is hard but that we can create a new personality by facing trauma and increasing self-awareness, self-regulating our stress levels, and building new and healthier habits and mindsets. As such, we can start detoxing our bodies and minds by resolving and dissolving negative subconscious behavior patterns.
Finally, we are often rushed and driven by work, daily pressures, and chronic stress. We are used to running around and want to get quick results by taking shortcuts but without taking the time to rest and enjoy life and just be grateful for what we have. A case in point is the regular use of fast food instead of slowing down, relishing our meals, and connecting with our loved ones while sharing bonds and quality time with each other.

Thursday Apr 20, 2023
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
In this episode, I have the great pleasure of speaking with Dr. Emily Bashah and Hon. Paul E. Johnson. They are hosts of the influential podcast “The Optimistic American” and authors of the insightful book “Addictive Ideologies: Finding Meaning and Agency When Politics Fail You”.
Dr. Bashah is a licensed clinical psychologist with a private practice in Scottsdale, Arizona, and Hon. Paul E. Johnson is a political analyst and the former mayor of Phoenix. They talk about the dangers of ideology and radicalization in the current political environment. Dr. Bashah’s experience in criminal, immigration, and civil courts alongside the political savviness of Hon. Paul E. Johnson makes them expert analysts on not only why people tend to move to the extreme but also how to find agency, peace, and healing amid anger and hostility and politically charged discussions and surroundings.
Emily explains the current political climate by tapping into research in neuroscience while Paul shows us how both the left and the right on the political spectrum alongside media outlets have engaged in aggressive tactics and fear-based strategies to further their own agendas.
Yet, it is important that we look at the facts and consult different sources and that we foster personal agency throughout and not fall sway to the inherent negative bias. We all have the capacity to do good or evil and often it comes down to personal choice. As a result, we ought to tap into our shared humanity and values and choose what is best for ourselves, our loved ones, our community, and our country.
In fact, the movers and shakers of history have always believed that they can bring about positive change, and we should not lose sight of the many options and opportunities that are within reach and within each of us to solve these lingering issues together and with love and empathy.

Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
In this episode, I have the great pleasure to speak with Actor and Podcast Host Sean Hayden about the many pressures of acting and being in show business and the importance of mental health, particularly in the case of the theater industry.
Acting can be very tough and demanding starting from landing a role via auditions to dealing with constant rejection. Then there is also the pressure of performing well on stage by using one’s body and emotions as a tool, which can often be physically and emotionally draining. Sean experienced its toll first-hand and up close and personal during “Billy Elliot: The Musical” when he suffered his first-ever panic attack.
In fact, he will be launching his highly anticipated podcast “Stage Combat: A Mental Health Story” on May 16 during Mental Health Awareness Month. In this scripted nonfiction podcast, scored and complete with sound effects just like old-fashioned radio shows, he will tell his story in a novel and groundbreaking format: as a True Crime Story followed by an interview with a mental health professional.
Moreover, we talk about the potential dangers of “method acting” and the importance of having and ensuring a safe workplace in which mental health is regularly and openly talked about. It is also essential to overcome stigmas surrounding not only the acting profession but also men as they often struggle with mental health issues but lack the emotional support and resources; as a matter of fact, guys are often afraid of looking and reaching out for help because they do not wish to be perceived as weak and vulnerable by others.