This podcast is affiliated with the blog Arash's World dealing with existential issues and solutions in health and wellness, psychology, and philosophy. By providing reviews on books alongside exclusive, insightful & thought-provoking interviews with health & wellness experts, renowned psychologists & psychotherapists as well as global thought leaders and life coaches, we put together and forge individual holistic paths toward health, happiness, and wellbeing in your personal & professional life!
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
In this episode of Arash's World Podcast, Rabbi Dr. Tzemah Yoreh, author, and leader of The City Congregation, talks about his fascinating and thought-provoking book Why Abraham murdered Isaac: The First Stories of the Bible Revealed as well as his views and interpretation of the Bible as a compilation of inspiring and inspirational stories. He also proposes not to take the stories literally but to read them with gentle skepticism. In fact, no other work in human history has been as significant and influential for the Western world, culture, and mindset as the “Book” – the Bible has been.
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
In this episode, I have the pleasure of speaking with Deborah Kesten, founder of Integrative Eating and an international nutrition researcher and award-winning author who specializes in preventing and reversing obesity and heart disease.
Her fascinating book Whole Person Integrative Eating: A Breakthrough Dietary Lifestyle to Treat the Root Causes of Overeating, Overweight, and Obesity co-written with Larry Scherwitz is more than a diet, health, or self-help book. Deborah examines not only eating and behavior patterns, but she looks at our emotional, personal, and spiritual relationship to and connection with food with the WPIE program, a new, effective, and evidence-based approach to diet, food, nutrition, and overall health and wellness.
Monday Jul 19, 2021
Monday Jul 19, 2021
In this episode on Arash's World Podcast, Matt Erb, physiotherapist, owner of Embody Your Mind and faculty member and Associate Clinical Director for The Center for Mind-Body Medicine talks about applying and adapting the integrative holistic model in which the body, the mind, and the environment are intimately linked and interconnected and how and why this should be taken into consideration when it comes to effective treatments and remedies.
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
In this episode, the renowned orthopedic complex spine surgeon Dr. David Hanscom talks about what causes chronic pain and its complicated and complex effects on the body. He also proposes alternative ways and manners to deal with chronic stress and inflammation by adopting and applying a holistic model instead of a traditional medical approach.